A decomposer is and organism that eats dead or decaying things and turns it into nutrients fro producers, like Jambu (a tropical fruit), to consume. Some types of decomposers are bacteria, fungi, insects and worms. Decomposers, like worms, eat dead things or dung and poop out feces filled with nutrients for plants.
One type of decomposer is the luminous fungi. The luminous fungi glows in the middle of the night. It glows because of a chemical reaction from a chemical called luciferin and an enzyme called luciferase. The chemical reaction is meant to attract bugs, like fireflies, to the mushrooms so the mushrooms

Another type of decomposer is the worm. One type of worm is the Giant Blue Earthworm. The Giant Blue Earthworm lives deep inside of the ground and eats leaf litter and dirt.
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