There are two ways carbon sources could be harmful. One way is when they release toxins and pollutants into the air. When, lets say a factory, produces its product, it uses up energy from coal or gas and lets the remaining pollutants into the air. Factories produce a large amount of the worlds carbon. Other examples of bad carbon sources, are trains and cars. When a car runs, the leftover toxins go into the air and ruins the atmosphere. And now

because we have a lot of cars in the street, there are a lot of pollutants in the air. Another bad part of carbon sources is deforestation. When people cut or burn down trees to make room for farm land, the trees let out carbon dioxide. When being burned, the trees can no longer soak up carbon dioxide with photosynthesis from the atmosphere. By adding more carbon dioxide to the environment and not being able to soak up carbon dioxide, deforestation will contribute to global warming. And after you cut or burn down trees, primary consumers living there will die because of the loss of resources that the tree. provides. When the primary consumers die from starvation, secondary consumers die from the loss of primary consumers and every other organism living in forest where the trees were cut down die from starvation. Because humans were so careless about the trees and organisms living in the environment, the animals are going into extinction and we are causing climate change.